The work of repairing the harm caused by colonization, slavery, American policing and the prison industrial complex demands a commitment to healing our collective imagination in ways we’ve never known. More than dismantling systems that reinforce the delusion of white supremacy, it’s time to transcend them. DeCiccio is fully committed to the long term work of creating art that names the violence of our relationship with capitalism and can serve as a blueprint for our abolitionist future. Abolition unlocks possibility and waters our confidence to fully invest in creativity, accountability & healing.

Police Terror Family Portraits

In 2014 after the murder of Michael Brown Kate began painting portraits of the parents and family members of people killed by police. The series is meant to reposition this story from away from dominant police narratives to the perspective of the people who knew each victim best and are most deeply impacted by their murders. It is a call to white parents to take action in solidarity to dismantle American policing understanding that if not moving to interrupt the violence perpetrated upon anyone’s child, we’re condoning it. Kate has immense gratitude to every family who has trusted her to create portraits. It is impossible to capture the heartbreak along with the unwavering love that each person carries for their loved one and each other. Many of these pieces were created as part of a series with Tess Raser who interviewed mothers about their children and published their stories as counter narratives from 2014-16. There may be no stronger more powerful group of people in America than the mothers who have lost their kids to the cops and who wake up each day & support each other while fighting to change the system.

In Solidarity We Will End Police Terror, 2018Featuring mothers and siblings of people killed by Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim and San Francisco police. This piece was created for INTO ACTION in Los Angeles, CA.

In Solidarity We Will End Police Terror, 2018

Featuring mothers and siblings of people killed by Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim and San Francisco police. This piece was created for INTO ACTION in Los Angeles, CA.

Parents. spray paint on silk, created in 2014 for Black Lives White Light, curated by Sheldon Scott & Deirdre Featuring Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, Constance Malcolm, mother of Ramarley Graham, Gloria Farrell, mother of Jonathan Fa…


spray paint on silk, created in 2014 for Black Lives White Light, curated by Sheldon Scott & Deirdre

Featuring Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, Constance Malcolm, mother of Ramarley Graham, Gloria Farrell, mother of Jonathan Farrell, Carol Gray, mother of Kimari Gray, Tracy Martin, father of Trayvon Martin, Samaria Rice, mother of Tamir Rice, Sylvia Palmer, mother of Akai Gurley


Portraits for Counter Narrative & Storytelling


In Solidarity We Win